
Weekend Recap + This Week's Menu

Monday, January 28, 2019

Mornin, friends! How was your weekend?

Ours was mostly low-key, with a dash of productive, which I really needed after what felt like an unproductive week last week. We did lots of playing, I had brunch with a friend, C went to a birthday party, I sorted the girls' closets (and my own!), and yesterday we were able to get outside for a little, which was so nice. We took a walk and the girls played in the yard for a while while I did some front porch scheming -- I'm already thinking spring! Our front porch is such a blank slate, and though I was wanting a porch swing, I think we're going to end up going with rocking chairs. I can't wait!

Last night we went out for Italian and took a little stroll through town, and then had a movie night. The new Grinch is so darn cute. The girls giggle through it, and I have to admit that I might like it as much as they do. ;)

Here's our easy menu for the week:

Monday - Crockpot meat sauce with shells & broccoli

Tuesday - Leftover pasta & broccoli

Wednesday - Beef & wild rice casserole, salad

Thursday - Homemade pizza, carrot sticks on the side

Friday - Grilled cheese & rosemary fries

Saturday - Out

Hope you have a great start to your week!


  1. Sounds like our weekend! 'Scheming' is a great way of putting it too - it is a good time to get all those Spring plans in place :) J xx

    1. I agree! It helps to have things to look forward to during the dreary days of winter. Glad you had a good weekend, friend! xo


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