As the countdown to Christmas becomes less than a hand, I want to wish each of you the warmest, happiest, and most magical holiday season, whatever and however you celebrate.
I will be taking some time away (as if I haven't been away from this space enough already these past few months!) to spend this special time with my little family. My girls are still so small and the magic is still so real; I don't want to miss one ordinary moment. There will be some cookie making (pre-packaged, but we'll throw on our own icing and sprinkles), holiday card delivering (nothing like last minute!), train riding, and gift wrapping.
Even in the midst of what can feel like total madness, may I never forget the reflection of the tree lights in their big eyes and the unconfined excitement in their small bodies.
May I soak up the last firsts -- this last first Christmas we'll ever have. Sweet Isabelle won't remember it, but I won't forget the warm, soft weight of her littleness that I can still so easily hold (and dress). She's tiny, but she watches us all with wide eyes (I don't blame her, this family can be pretty amusing!).
This year, the last piece of my biggest and most precious dream fell into perfect place and I will never stop being grateful for this group of people I get to walk through life with.
I am holding in my heart those who are hurting this holiday season, who are grieving and missing loved ones. My family has had difficult, heavy holidays in years past and it can be so painful when the world around you is moving on, "merry and bright" while you are hurting so much. I hope those who are going through hard times know that they aren't forgotten in the hustle and bustle, and that they are wished peace.
Happy holidays, sweet friends!