
Monday Coffee Talk | Let's Catch Up

Monday, October 21, 2019

Happy Monday! Yes... I'm alive! 

You have no idea how many times I've started writing a post in the dark of night or when I've had a few minutes here or there to myself... and haven't finished it. I have so much to share with you, and as life normalizes a bit I hope to hit "publish" more. I can't wait to connect with you again.

I'd love to start a Monday Coffee Talk series. A few bloggers I enjoy following do something similar, and I love the casual, conversational tone of coffee talk posts. I think Monday is the perfect day for them because it's all about catching up about our weekends and life lately -- and I know we all need an extra cup of coffee or two on Monday. ;) So grab a mug (or a glass, if you're an iced gal like myself) and join me! 

How was your weekend? Ours was pretty good. I came down with a head cold a few days ago and have been sort of paranoid about passing it to the baby, but besides that it was a weekend well-spent. On Saturday morning Carrie had gymnastics. She started in the 6-8 year old class when she began Kindergarten since we could no longer make her old weekday afternoon class, and so far she's been doing really well in it. I'm proud of her because she's the youngest (she's still just five) and smallest in her class, but most weekends she still goes out there, tries her best, and rocks it. With that said, the Saturday morning time slot has been a little rough for us. We're finding that Carrie actually craves that time as downtime, play time, and time with her family after a long week of all-day school, so I think we may take a little break from gymnastics (our first break in 2.5 years!) for a while. Maybe we can figure out a different class or schedule that works for us, or maybe she'll try something else for a while. We're looking into Girl Scouts! Any former Girl Scouts here?! 

Saturday afternoon we headed back to our hometown for a little get together with my family. My great aunt is moving from California to Pennsylvania and was visiting in preparation for her move. It's been probably two decades since I've seen her, so it was really neat to all get together and catch up. It was our first longer road trip since the baby was born, but everyone did amazingly well. Big relief!

Sunday morning we were supposed to get together with friends of ours for an annual pumpkin picking date, but we were rained out. We ended up rescheduling for next weekend because I still feel a little under the weather. Hopefully next weekend everyone is well and we can either hit up the pumpkin patch or host some Halloween fun at our house! Oh, and Isabelle turned one month. :)

Today Carrie had her first field trip and Haddie had her first picture day! Big Monday over here!

I used to share our weekly menu more often here, so in case you're in need of some (super easy) dinner inspiration, here's what we're having for dinner this week:

Sunday - Tikka masala chicken with rice and broccoli

Monday - Cheese ravioli with pesto

Tuesday  - Crockpot chicken enchilada soup

Wednesday - Homemade pizza and caesar salad

Thursday - Rotisserie chicken with mashed potatoes and roasted brussels

Friday - Sloppy Joes and fries 

Saturday - Out!

Tomorrow I'll be sharing Isabelle's birth story in honor of her turning 1 month this past weekend! So if you're into that sorta thing, come check back. Hope you have a great start to your week! Let's do this.

She's Here! Welcoming Isabelle Joy

Monday, October 7, 2019

Well, you may have gathered from the radio silence over here, but... she's here! We're so happy and incredibly proud to introduce you to

Isabelle Joy

A birth story will be coming soon because #oversharer here, and frankly I'm excited to relive those moments and have them written to forever look back at. For now I'm just so thankful to share the news that our littlest baby girl has arrived healthy and happy (but for real, she lives up to her name -- the sweet pea is the most calm, joyful girl!) and that the c-section went smoothly and I am feeling almost completely back to myself a little over two weeks later. It's amazing what our bodies can do and how quickly they can heal! 

The big sisters are in absolute heaven. Carrington is like another little mommy and wants to hold and feed Isabelle, comfort her, and help as much as possible. Hadley has had the typical and expected 3-year-old adjustments (lots of emotions aimed at us, not at the baby!), but oh my goodness is she enamored with her baby. She so proudly introduces her by her full name to anybody we come across: "that's MY baby sister!" It's precious.

Because I know she's our last baby, I've been able to really pull back from the things that simply don't really matter right now (like a perfectly spotless house), slow down (not easy for me!), and really soak it in. Steve jokes about how much I hold her, but she is just so snuggly and she won't have that newborn smell forever, you know? So as much as I'm able while still meeting the needs of my older two, I'm trying to not take this time for granted and to memorize every last little detail of my last baby... our grand finale. :)
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