
Weekend Recap + This Week's Menu

Monday, January 21, 2019

I'm not counting this weekend recap as late because it was, for us, a long weekend... so technically it's not even over yet. ;) C and Steve had off today. Good thing, too, because the temperatures were frigid so nobody felt like leaving the house anyway!

We had a pretty good couple of days. On Saturday morning we attended a benefit at a bakery back in my hometown for one of my dearest friend's two year old son, who has battled cancer and other health issues over the past year. The strength and bravery of both he and his parents is astounding. I mean, really. You take one of the very worst circumstances you can think of -- an unthinkable diagnosis and health challenges for this little boy -- and instead of crumbling, this family rose up. It filled my heart to see their community helping them do that.

Sunday was a lazy day, complete with naps, a movie, and breakfast for dinner. Anyone like breakfast for dinner better than breakfast for breakfast, like I do? We had scrambled eggs, bacon, and pancakes with blueberries on top. I did run out to Homesense just for a change of scenery. It's been a while since I wandered a home store and, with the new year and all of this Marie Kondo-ing, I felt inspired.

Today we picked up groceries and did a lot of playing. My girls constantly want to play pretend, so at any given moment I am either a pretend gymnastics coach, a prince, a queen, a kid, a "mommy snake" (?) get the picture. They already have me booked tomorrow morning to play restaurant -- C is hoping to cook up the "best beignets, like Tiana." I wouldn't change it for the world, but also if you wanted to engage me in an adult conversation about pretty much anything, I wouldn't turn ya down. I painted my nails for the first time in a while (bringing back frosted polish, y'all!).

One last thing! TV shows. I mentioned Marie Kondo and I know so many of you are big fans and implementing her ideas -- if that's you, I'd love to hear how it's going! I've only watched one episode so far but I can see the appeal. Steve and I also watched the documentary on Netflix about the FYRE festival this weekend (ok, I fell asleep toward the end), but what I saw was really interesting. I also finished YOU on Netflix this weekend and... you just need to watch it if you haven't already. So creepily and weirdly addictive. Lastly on the TV front, is it just me or is this season of The Bachelor just so blah? I mean I know it's not typically riveting stuff, but I'm usually entertained and I barely know what's going on this time around. Anyone else?

On to this week's menu:

Monday - Pizza & salad

Tuesday - Zuppa toscana soup in the crockpot

Wednesday - Tacos with Spanish rice, corn

Thursday - Sheet pan garlic parmesan chicken with roasted brussels & sweet potatoes

Friday - Leftovers

Saturday - Out

(Linking up with Biana!)


  1. I watched most of the Fyre Festival show. It is interesting, but something that I watched more in the background. Your weekly meals sound awesome!! I love that frosted nail polish. So sweet of you all to come together and benefit your friends whose child has cancer.

    1. It was so great to see such a fantastic turnout for them. <3 I'm bringing frosted polish back -- it's going to happen! Hahah

  2. Poder ajudar ao próximo é muito gratificante. Amei teu blog. Obrigada por compartilhar suas histórias. Aqui estamos no período de muito calor.
    Feliz 2019.

  3. Hi, friend! Your girls are so frickin' cute! That was so me as a kid. & I love that frosted polish!

    1. Aww, thanks! There's never a dull moment, that's for sure. ;) Glad you're on the frosted polish train too -- It's by Essie but I forget the name (real helpful blogger, I am!). I'm digging it for winter. XO!

  4. Your breakfast food posts are always the best! So cute too that you play along with your daughters stories - relish these moments! I've been reading a lot about Marie Kondo on US blogs - a famous de-clutterer? I love to declutter too - I just use a simple principle - go in any drawer / cupboard etc and aim to throw three things out / recycle. It is amazing how often you can do this!! Have a lovely weekend - Joanne xx


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