
Five on Friday

Friday, September 8, 2017

Was anyone else majorly thrown off by the short week? Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled that it's already Friday, but for some reason losing a day this week completely threw me. Maybe it's because it was back to school week for us, too! In fact, today is C's official first day back -- she's there as I post this, and I can't wait to hear all about her morning at pick up. 

So because it's already Friday and because it's been a strange and busy week, here are five random thoughts for you this morning:

+ Of course, Florida has been on my mind as Hurricane Irma looms close. I know everyone is feeling extra terrified, and rightfully so, because of the devastation Harvey caused in Houston so very recently. We have friends and family in Florida and I'm keeping them close in my thoughts and prayers. I just read about this interesting new way to donate -- 100% of the proceeds will help hurricane victims.

+ C is still loving gymnastics. It's fun as your kids get older to explore various activities and see what they seem to naturally gravitate to. I love uncovering Carrie's interests, and can't wait to see what Hadley becomes interested in, too. 

+ Let's talk Halloween costumes. And the fact that I already have them. C has been asking to be a unicorn for a couple of months and insisting H be one too (#secondkidprobs). So when we came across the most adorable costumes at Target, I scooped up two.

+ Have you heard of Tuckernuck? They have the cutest stuff but they're one of those places where I fill up my online cart but never actually buy anything (anyone else?). Well, they're running an extra 25% off final sale and here are three of my favorite pieces to take you from summer into fall, all well under $40: 

The back on this one is adorable.

Ohhh, how I love this. Originally almost $200!

Everyone needs a fun jacket. For under $20, you can't go wrong!

+ What are you guys watching right now? I'm a little ashamed to admit I'm still tuning into Bachelor in Paradise. Oh, it is so cheesy. Worse than ever before, really. I could go really, embarrassingly far into it so if you're watching and want to chat, let me know! Ha! Other than that I'm in the middle of Friday Night Lights and The Keepers on Netflix, and I can't wait until This Is Us comes back.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Oh that last jacket is just too cute. I need it. I want to get my girls into gymnastics too. Have a great weekend!

    1. Right?! It was originally $220 marked down to under $20 - I just can't. The girls would adore gymnastics! Such a great way to get out some energy, which we all know these kids have pleeenty of. :) Enjoy your weekend, friend!

  2. My niece has already picked out her Halloween costume - and just like with your daughter, she has so helpfully picked out the outfit for her younger sibling as well. It must be an oldest child thing!

    1. That's too funny, Angela! You're so right -- there is definitely something about the older sibling! They have to direct the show. ;)


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