
Five on Friday: HELLO, WEEKEND!

Friday, August 24, 2018

Happy Friiiiday! 

Poll: Who else thinks August is crazy underrated? Everybody loves the springtime, mid-summer for the beach, and fall gets a ton of attention. But little old August hangs out somewhere in the middle and, I swear, there is something so beautiful and under-appreciated about this month. The days are still really warm but in the morning and at night there's a coolness, the light is just different (glowy?) and there's this anticipation in the air that lasts long after our own first-days-of-school are over.

What do you have on the agenda for this weekend? We have swim lessons tomorrow, followed by a birthday party for our sweet little friend turning three, and on Sunday we have a family date with our other friends (who just added twin boys to their crew -- can't wait to meet them!). Let's jump into a little Five on Friday before the fun begins!

1. Thank you for the support! Thank you so much for your amazing support of the first feature of the Women Who Inspire series! You guys loved learning more about Shannon! If you missed it, you can check it out here

By the way, I forgot to mention: I am open to nominations! If you know an incredible woman who you think would make a great fit for the Women Who Inspire series, please feel free to email me a short preview/profile at :)

thanks again, Shannon!

2. New show recommendation on Netflix. I just started watching The Sinner on Netflix and... wow. I didn't expect it to be so good! It's really twisted and a little dark (ok, really dark), but the mystery of it keeps you coming back for more. Has anyone else watched? Would love to hear what you think!

3. Floor picnics (buffet style). We've had lots of rain here lately, so we've had to come up with some creative things to do inside. We love to eat picnic lunches in the summertime, so we've been throwing a blanket down on the kitchen floor and having an indoor picnic! I also started putting a bunch of different foods on a big trey and having the girls just go for it. Easy for me, and they love it! Just an idea in case you're in the same boat, looking for a simple way to shake things up.

4. Alert: Target Dollar Spot is on clearance! We made a Target run yesterday and our entire (Five) Dollar Spot was 50% off. I'm sure it's to make room for fall stuff, which will be fun, but in the meantime there is a ton of summer stuff, school-related stuff (flash cards, dry eraser boards, teaching tools), toys, etc. for 50% off! As if you needed another excuse to go to Target today. ;)

5. Have a one-of-a-kind weekend! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your girls are adorable. Love their smile. My kids like to have tea parties all the time.

  3. I can't wait to read the Women who Inspire post. I love the Sinner. I am on season 2 right now and it might be even better than season 1. So good. I hope you had a great weekend!

    1. I'm sorry I'm seeing this comment so late! I need to start Season 2 of The Sinner! Ozark also starts tonight -- finally, some good TV!

  4. I know what you mean about the glowy August light. But here is it slowly getting darker in the mornings and evenings - I guess it is where you are too? I should check where Cumbria and NJ are in relation to northerness on the map - I am guessing we get similarish weather? Anyway - I couldn't watch the sinner - anything dark creeps me out and like a child I get nightmares! Looking forward to OZARK tomorrow though!

    1. I'd be interested to see if our weather is similar too! I saw on one of your recent posts that it seemed pretty chilly already there. It'll probably be like that here within a month! I can't wait for Ozark tonight! Perfect excuse for a date night in. ;)


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