
Last Minute Gift Ideas for Kids

Thursday, December 7, 2017

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, toys in every store...

Have kids in your life and still need a few gift ideas for the holidays? Look no further! Today I'm sharing only tried and true favorites of ours, as well as a few stocking stuffers.

1. Kinetic Sand. Hear me out before you think I'm officially insane for suggesting sand as an indoor toy for your small child. If you've never played with kinetic sand, it sticks together, is relatively mess free, and is the coolest thing ever. I highly recommend this exact brand because we've tried others that are messier. It's as simple as dumping the sand in a big Tupperware, giving your kid a shovel, some plastic cookie cutters, or their mini figurines, and letting them go to town. This will keep Carrington busy for an hour straight -- it's incredible!

2. Play Kitchen & Accessories. The play kitchen is obviously a larger gift, although we got ours at a garage sale for $20 complete with lots of accessories -- if you search Craigslist and other yard sale sites, chances are you'll find one for a bargain! Both of our girls play with their kitchen every single day (and have for years). It encourages creativity and pretend play -- everything from chef, to restaurant, to house. Melissa and Doug food and kitchen accessories are our absolute favorite for their quality and simplicity. 

3. Dress Up. You just can't go wrong with dress up! There is such a wide range of costumes to choose from -- from doctor, to policeman, to princess, to superhero. They generally store easily and, again, are something my kids use every single day. This one and this one are especially big hits here lately.

4. Books. An obvious choice, but always a winner. We can never have enough books. Right now Carrie is especially into Amelia Bedelia and Hadley loves anything with flaps or touch-and-feel books. We got them each a holiday book for their stocking this year, plus a copy of The Polar Express -- which I can't believe we didn't already have! For a twist, try one of these personalized books (there are always Groupons available for these I've noticed!) or a Barnes & Noble gift card so the child can pick out their own book.

5. Legos, blocks, and magnetic tiles (depending on age). Both of my girls love to build. Right now, they're really into Duplos Legos (they are 4 and 1), but blocks have also always been a big hit, especially for the baby stage. Carrington loves to play with the Magna-Tiles at school, so they have been on our list for her. A nice, quiet activity with a million variations and that requires imagination (just don't leave them out on the floor... damn, it hurts stepping on those things in the dark). ;)

Bonus! Stocking Stuffer Ideas: Fruit snacks, kids spatula/spoon for baking, new gloves, bouncy ball, books, socks, underwear, notepad, gel window clings, candy, new crayons, play doh or silly putty, bandaids, an ornament, small stuffed animal, figurine or small doll, Gumby, matchbox cars, slinky, face paint markers, baby doll bottles or diapers, safety scissors, lip balm, stickers, sunglasses, play money, $5 bill.


  1. These are all great ideas. Especially the stocking stuffers. I totally need some of those for the girls.

    1. I'm glad you like them! Stockings are so fun, but it can be hard coming up with little-gift ideas. :)


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