
Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween!

True story: Over the weekend Steve and I were just doing our usual weekend evening thing of watching TV (Stranger Things 2, anyone?!) and eating, and I started scrolling through IG and watching Stories only to remember that it was a huge "going out" weekend. I loved seeing everyone's costumes! It's been a while since we've dressed up and gone out (ok so I dressed up a couple of years with the kids - ha!) but, honestly, experiencing holidays with the babies is so much fun to me. Here are past Halloweens since the girls were born:

2014 - Bumblees (C was 11 months old)

2015 - Dorothy (C was 23 months old)

2016 - Witch & Pumpkin (C was 2 years 11 months, H was almost 4 months)

And this year, both girls are Jessie from Toy Story! I'll share pictures later this week. :)

We didn't carve pumpkins, but I'm okay with that. We've crossed most of the other "to-dos" off of our fall bucket list like picking pumpkins, playing in leaves, going on a hayride, apple picking, making chili, watching It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, going to the fair, making apple crisp, and reading fall books. Speaking of books, each of the girls got a new Halloween book at breakfast this morning! Do you have any Halloween traditions?

I hope everyone enjoys the day, whether that means a festive donut at work or trick or treating with your kids tonight, or both! 


  1. Such cute Halloween costumes. I loved seeing pictures last night on IG!

    1. Thank you so much! They had a blast -- your girls were TOO adorable!


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