
Thirty One (It's My Birthday!)

Monday, July 9, 2018

It's my birthday, y'all! 

I'm 31 today. Officially in my thirties. ;) And you know what? It feels great. I feel incredibly grateful for another year, for the people (and puppy) in my life who make me feel like the richest woman on the planet, for my cozy and happy home, for my work, for all of the experiences I've had thus far and the memories I get to keep from them, and for everything there is to look forward to. 

Last year, my main goal was to launch The Lucky Lifestyle. I had been thinking about it for so long, and I decided a milestone birthday was the time to just do it. So I did! And I stuck with it, and I'm so glad I did. I have met wonderful people, learned a lot, and just genuinely enjoyed coming to this space to write, share, and connect.

This year, when I think about "goals," I think about just doing more of what makes me happy. Spending more time with those I love (I am so beyond grateful for each of you), trying something new just because, being outdoors... just sort of following that inner compass that intuitively leads us all. 


I spent the weekend visiting with family and today Steve took off work so we plan to spend some time outside with the girls -- hiking or tennis, probably -- followed by a yummy lunch out. Later this evening we have our family photos (rescheduled from the other day, when it started down-pouring on us!), so that should be fun! 

So I leave you with this, which seems appropriate for a birthday: 45 life lessons from a 90 year old woman. :) Hope you had a wonderful weekend, and a great week ahead! 



  1. Happy Birthday Spring Chicken!! Sounds like you are starting your 31st year confident in who you are and where you are going - and knowing you are so lucky to have such an amazing family life, which is an amazing thing! Have a wonderful day xx

    1. Thanks so much, friend! I certainly have a lot to be thankful for. :) Hope your week is off to a wonderful start! xo

  2. Happy (late) birthday! I hope it's the best year yet for you <3

    1. Thanks so much Rachel, so appreciated! It's off to a great start. :)


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