
18 Months of Hadley + A Letter to My Second Born

Friday, January 12, 2018

Hadley Kate turned 18 months a few days ago. I can't believe this little girl is half way through her second year of life. It all flies so much faster with your second kid. I thought I'd do a little spotlight on my littlest so I can remember her well at this fun age.

Age: 18 months

Weighs: 25 pounds

Eyes/Hair: Eyes are still a dark mossy green, although I'm becoming convinced there could be brown creeping in... maybe hazel in the future? Hair is dark brown and looks auburn in the sun. She is rocking a full blown mullet these days as her hair stays short on top and the curls grows longer in the back. ;)

Eats: Three meals and two snacks a day, plus a "pop" (yogurt ice pop) after her dinner for "dessert." Her big sister has one and she will not be left out. Hadley's favorite foods are any fruit, eggs, cheese, mac & cheese, and the kid lives for milk. She's getting slightly pickier -- she will no longer shovel just anything in her mouth before looking at it. I can tell she's eyeing up veggies and meats much more suspiciously, although we abide by a "bites rule" where both kids must try the food we serve a couple of times.

Wears: Mostly 24 month/2t clothes with some 18 month pieces that run bigger thrown in there. How am I already buying 2t for my baby?

Says: A lot now! Hadley has a lot of words and has started stringing a couple of words together, too, like "Bye Daddy!" and "Hi Mommy!" and a newer favorite "Oh boy!"

Sleeps: 12 hours at night + a two-ish hour nap around noon.

Teeth: She has all of them, and starting to work on two year molars!

Loves: Babies, animals, her dolls, cuddling (be still my heart), dancing, music, being read to, following her big sister around, people, the bath, climbing things, mickey mouse.

Dislikes: Being told no, having her face wiped.

Quirks: Runs to the bathroom any time she has to go yelling "poo poo!" and wants to sit on the potty, grabs toilet paper, wipes herself (but doesn't go). In general, she loves to mimic what her big sister and we do.

Memorable: Her first real play in the snow since she was too little last year!

My sweet Hadley girl,

I can't believe you are a year and a half old already. Where is the time going? All I know is that I'm so happy to be spending it with you. You are such a joy and a cuddle bug. You can be doing the most mischievous thing that you know you're not supposed to be doing (ahem, climbing tables, ahem) and just one flash of your sweet smile with that dimple and mommy and daddy are done for. You seem like you're growing so much quicker than your sister because you have her to look up to and imitate. It's so fun to watch you both truly play together now, and I can already tell how deep your bond is.

In my belly, I called you Hurricane Haddie. That is still true -- you're a wild one! -- but we also call you Happy Haddie because you're just such a joyful soul. You're social and love to make friends when we're out, waving and flashing your smile in the direction of anyone close by. You're also a tough cookie. You handled getting all of your teeth like a champ and can fall down and get back up with hardly a tear. 

When I look into your eyes, I see decades of conversation, fun, and love to come. I just know that as much of a perfect addition to our family as you are now, that will just continue to grow. I am so very lucky to be your momma. The luckiest.

Love you always,



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